Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Dentist...again!
And so Ava's journey continues... On Monday Jack and Ava went for cleanings at the dentist. This is an appointment I had been putting off for Ava because of her past dental issues, needless to say she tends to be less then cooperative. Honestly I don't blame her, she's had more dental work done before the age 3 then most adults have in a lifetime. Jack had a great visit (besides needing braces one day) but unfortunately Ava was not as lucky, more cavities! Really?!?! Can't my girl catch a break?! The family dentist referred us to another pediatric dentist better equipped to fill her teeth. So today Ava and I made a visit to her fifth dentist. Yep that's right Ava's on dentist 5!! Oh the dread I had before this visit (I think I ate everything insight!) Ava right away was whining and crying that she didn't want anyone coming near her teeth. The pep talk began last night and continued all morning, finally I convinced Ava that he was just looking at her teeth, counting them and no work would be done today. The negotiation began... Ava "Can I get Merida's bow & arrows?" (I think we own every My Little Pony.) Me "Yes if you don't cry and let the doctor check your teeth. Also when you get the filling you have to try your hardest to listen." Ava "Okay I won't cry!" Ava is true to her word, she met Dr. Steve and behaved the best I've ever seen her behave at the dentist. She was so cooperative and proceeded to tell the dentist about all her surgeries, casts and how she got her teeth pulled (glad she left out the part about biting the dentist.) Wow! This can't be my daughter...Did we finally find a dentist she likes?? She wasn't screaming and someone finally got a good look at her teeth.
After giving the condensed version of Ava's history (oh how this story is getting old) Dr. Steve gave his insight of why Ava's teeth keep decaying. Ava is an early tooth developer and unfortunately her teeth are not strong. Being a frequent eater is not helping. Her teeth never get a break causing food particles to constantly being left on her teeth which eventually breaks down to sugar causing decay. Drinking through a straw does not help and we need to limit how often she eats and drinks through out the day. (Easier said then done.) What a frustrating piece of the puzzle. We need to get better control of her eating patterns (not an easy task when all you want is for your child to eat!) and need to help her choose healthier choices (unfortunately she inherited my sweet tooth.) Everything Dr. Steve explained makes sense but I still feel Ava's growth problem has something to do with her tooth decay. If her bones were not growing properly for so long, how can the teeth not be connected? Now the part I really dread... Monday Ava will return to Dr. Steve to get a tooth filled and capped (it's that bad.) I'm so sad for her, she will have another silver capped tooth and unfortunately it's a tooth in the front. We will return for another appointment to fill the other two fillings in the back but for now the worst will be done. I hope Ava keeps up her positive attitude, it's just one more thing my girl has to endure. The prep work has already begun and hopefully in the next few days I'll get her to come around to being cooperative again. After our appointment today we searched 3 stores for her bow & arrow, I guess Merida is popular these day because we have no luck finding one. (Hopefully by Monday I find it so I can keep my word as well.)
There are days I feel like this is never ending and there are days I can not believe how far Ava has come. All I want for my daughter is a day that she can just be a kid. No worries about how she's walking or running, a day where I'm not reminding her to watch how her legs turned or a day that she can walk up stairs and I'm not saying "Alternate feet, please." I look forward to a day this is behind us and Ava can do all the things she loves again without me on top of her & worried she'll hurt herself. Please keep Ava in your thoughts and prayers Monday! I'm sure she'll be super brave!! xoxo
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