Thursday, December 27, 2012

So Blessed

Hard to believe Christmas has come and gone and we are now quickly approaching the new year. I try to remind my kids that Christmas is not only about receiving but giving as well. It's a time to be thankful for all that we have and to remember how blessed we are to have so many incredible people in our life. Our family has had a rough year but finally I feel like we have turned a corner. Ava is doing incredible!! Each day she is moving better and she's back to all her "normal" activities. Sometimes it's hard to believe she had two hip surgeries. I am so proud of her!

Our healthy girl!
All Ava's x rays have looked great and I'm happy to say that she's had two successful hip surgeries. I have heard so many stories of children having multiple surgeries on the same hip, how can I not feel blessed!? In February we return to Dr. A's for a follow up. We will then set up Ava's final surgery to take the plates and pins out of her femur bones. By no means do I look forward to another surgery but knowing it will be the last one makes me anxious to get it over with. I like to think we've all learned some life lessons through out this. I know it has changed me and has giving me Faith I never had before. I will never under estimate the power of prayers. There were days that was the only thing that got me through. I am so proud of how Ava has handled herself  and I love the confidence she displays when she tells people " I had hip dysplasia but I got my hips fixed." It cracks me up to her her say to her brother (and little cousins) "Be careful I have scars and plates and pins in my legs." I look forward to 2013 for new beginnings. As of June (as long as we stay on track) Ava will be considered fully healed. I look forward to that day and this will be all behind us. In the mean time on January 3 Ava will return to the endocrinologist for a follow up. He will check her growth and more then likely send her for blood work to see if her hormone level has risen. I believe if it has that Ava's hip dislocation was the reason her growth slowed so significantly. I pray that is the reason and we are now back on track.

Family : )

With all the recent tragedy around us take a moment to remember how blessed you are. Hug your children and loved one tight and know each day is a gift. To all the Mom's and Dad's who are currently dealing with hip dysplasia, hang in there. One day this will be a blip in our children's lives. The road is not always easy but keep your faith to make it through. I know I am grateful for all that we have, especially our health. Have a happy and healthy New Year everyone!! XOXOXO

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