Another perfect x-ray. |
Fact number 1... Many "hip" patients are treated young (which is best case scenario) but when a surgery is done to recreate a socket the hope is the socket grows properly. That being said, Ava was only 4 at the time of her surgeries and has a lot of growing (and growth catch up) ahead of her. This makes her still high risk for hip dysplasia but so far so good her hips are growing with her, whew!
Fact number 2... It takes years for the hips to truly be healed. Ava had both sockets reconstructed, over time as the ball moves in the socket, the socket will become deeper. The deeper the socket becomes the less likely dysplasia will happen. So far, so good!
Fact number 3... After surgery full rotation in each hip may or may not return. Right now Ava's inner rotation is great but her outer rotation is so-so. Over time and with normal everyday movement it can improve. Ava's right hip is seated a little differently to help prevent it from slipping out, the rotation in this leg is far less then in the left. From time to time Ava will call it her "bum leg" or "the leg that doesn't work so well." It doesn't hold her back one bit and ballet has definitely helped in the movement.
Fact number 4... It is not uncommon that come the early teen years Ava may need more surgery. What?!?! This is news to me! In Dr. A's words... as the body grows the hips may need a little "tweeking." Our hope is that it will not be the case for Ava but as I was warned, during growth the hips can become displace. She will never (well hopefully never) have dislocation again but here is where the risk of dysplasia comes in. Our hope and prayers are that she never has to have surgery again!!
I left the check up feeling good about Ava's hips and even the not so great stuff didn't have me down. Dr. A is very happy with her recovery and his hope that no further treatment or surgery is needed. ( I could not agree more!) I have complete confidence in his work and all he has done to help Ava. The next check up is in 6 months and I know her hips will continue to be perfect. In the mean time life is completely normal for Ava. It will be 2 years (hard to believe so much time has passed) since her first surgery. Her Kindergarten year is almost done and she has become quite the little athlete. She currently doing ballet, playing t-ball and come fall she wants to try Irish Step Dancing. Nothing holds this child back! I continuously watch her with amazement on how awesome she is doing and from time to time I get tears in my eyes as I watch. (I always wonder when I will stop getting so emotional over her every move.)
Look how far she has come...
Over the last two days I have been engrossed in the last two years of your and Ava's life. Your blog has given me excitement and fear at the same time. Next month my Ava (Ava Grace) will begin her journey to repair her hips. Doubt and fear has caused me to put it off longer than I probably should have. Ava is now three and I am finally confident that this is the right decision. It's funny how strangers can feel so connected by a diagnosis. Ava has a rare genetic disease called Fanconi Anemia. From that comes multiple conditions including hip dysplasia. My Ava is also small, about the size of an 18 month old. She has been on growth hormone since about 20 months old. She walks with a limp and is very unsteady. I cannot wait to get to the point of seeing her run and play like your Ava. I know it will be a long journey but reading your blog has given me courage and hope. Thank you! I wish continued health and success for Ava Kole.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for reaching out. It means a lot that I can help and support others. I hope all goes well with your Ava. I will be keeping her in my thoughts & prayers! xo