Typically our weeks are jammed packed and I rarely have a moment to myself. Between making 3 squares a day, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, working, freelance work, drop offs, pick ups, play dates, sports practice, doctor appointments, homework, birthday parties, church...I never stop. Of course most of this I bring on myself. For some reason I think I'm super Mom. I have a hard time saying no and I guess I like to have complete control. (Alright, maybe that's a bit of an issue.) David helps out as much as he can and my kids are so lucky they have a hands on Dad. Being a hairstylist, as well, it has allowed him to have flexibility too. He is also doing online courses to obtain his business degree. Needless to say our plates are full. We love spending time as a family and doing whatever we can together. This is how I know in the end, we'll be alright.
Work is not my only worry, getting through every day life I find overwhelming. I have another child, how do I find the balance? I need to be there for Ava but I don't want Jack to get lost in the mix. Life doesn't stop because my child is going through a difficult time. In the end I will have to find a balance in it all. I don't like asking for help and I know I will have to learn to. I will also have to learn to give up some control. Today we had a lot going on (things I don't want to share at this time.) The littlest, stupid thing just set me in a tail spin. I had an all out 2 year old fit that included crying, yelling and storming off. Unfortunately it was in front of Ava, not exactly a shining moment for me. Apparently, after storming off she turned to David and said "What's wrong with her?" (Glad to know it didn't affect her at all.) I'm not proud of the way I acted but I do know I'm not handling it all as well as I thought I was. I need to step back and take a deep breath. What I learned today is life will go on if the laundry is not done. Life will go on if my house is a mess. These little things are not all that important. I can not do it all but I can be there for my children. All I can do is do the best I can. Ava will get healthy, she will make it through her surgery fine, she will heal and before we know it she'll be dancing again. A good friend said to me after hearing of her surgery "This is going to be harder on you then it is on her." From what I've seen of Ava so far, it couldn't be more truthful. We will all survive and life will go on.
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