As always we started our appointment with the x ray. After Dr. A reviewed it he came in the exam room to check Ava's hips out. I carefully placed Ava on the exam table and Dr. A explained he was going to take the bar out and do the same exercises that Mommy and Daddy do everyday. Ava was very sceptical but laid back anyway. The first thing Dr. a said was how impressed he was that Ava was laying so flat without pain, most children can't do that in such a short amount of time. (Great news!) Next he removed the bar and did the scissor motions we have been doing everyday. After he wobbled her legs back in forth to check the movement of the ball in the socket. Ava let him do all this with a smile on her face and no complaint of pain. (That's my girl!) After putting the bar back in Dr A said "Okay I'll see you in two weeks to remove the cast. The x ray looks great and her movement is good." What??? Did I hear you right??? That is the best news ever!!!! I wanted scream with joy! TWO WEEKS!!! Princess P is almost done!!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited??? I see the light!!! NO more cast! My girls legs will be free at last!! After I calculated that September 14 will be the greatest day ever, we discussed what will happen after. Dr. A said to expect Ava to be fully walking again 3-4 weeks after the cast removal. Most kids regress and begin like a toddler again...pulling themselves up on things, cruising (holding on to furniture) and finally taking steps on their own. (Okay we can deal with is.) Also start looking for a physical therapist in our area that takes our insurance and that has experience with pediatric physical therapy. Ava will have to go to physical therapy because he wants her gait (the pattern in which a person walks) monitored. Basically he wants to make sure there is no waddle, the most common sign of hip dysplasia. Okay we can do that too! It will take about one year for Ava to be completely healed. There weren't many restrictions... no trampoline or monkey bars (the number one reason for a child visiting an Orthopedic doctor) and he recommended swimming and bike riding to strengthen her muscles. Hello swimming lessons and since Ava found out about the surgery she has said she wants a bike with training wheels when it's all over...the count down begins!!!
We happily made our next appointment and I immediately called David to tell him the good news, then the tears of joy began. I can not express the joy I was feeling at that moment. Ava is in the home stretch!! We can do this! I know the first couple weeks will not be easy but Ava has amazing strength and will. I know my fighter is going to be running and dancing in no time. Ten hours of surgery, 11 hours of anesthesia, 7 days (total) in the hospital, one blood transfusion, lots of morphine, two Spica casts, one Petrie Cast, countless sleepless nights, tons of tears (Ava's and mine), pot after pot of coffee (me!), numerous bottles of wine (me & David) = one incredible big brother, one wise cracking little girl, two exhausted parents. Exactly three months and two days after the first surgery our little butterfly will be set free! I am so proud of Ava and so grateful for her healing!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you for all the love, thank you for all the support and most of all... thank you for all the prayers! Two weeks from today you can find the four of us sitting on the beach...the first place Ava wants to go after her legs are freed. Anything for you Ava girl!
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