Friday, October 12, 2012

Step in the right direction...

Over the last week Ava has made huge progress. She is gaining more confidence in her legs and herself each day. The transformation day to day in amazing. I have lost count of the number of time tears have come to my eyes just watching her. Being home with Ava almost 24/7 over the last four months has been a whirl wind of emotions but over this week I can finally see the light. Ava has relearned to crawl, pencil rolls every where, scoots across the house on her bottom, gets up stairs, stands at the sink to brush her teeth and stands without assistance. In the past I took each of these achievements for granted, all children hit these milestones with out much fan fair. Heck 6 months ago Ava did all this without a thought. I now realize how precious life is, Ava has struggled and showed tremendous courage to achieve each and every milestone. As hard as it's been we are lucky to relive each one for a second time but this time she gets all the fan fair!

Yesterday was a huge leap in progress for Ava and excitement for our family. Of course the one day a week I work Ava decides it's the day...always in her own time. I received a text from David stating "Check my FB page." I knew instantly what this meant, Ava did something big. I'm the obsessive FB poster of the family documenting each and every step of Ava's recovery. This was big if David posted. There I was in the middle of the salon watching a video on my phone with tears streaming down my face. "My baby did it! She took her first steps!!" I can not even express  the joy I felt inside. One of my first thoughts was "Of course, on the one day I work." Then I became so excited for David, he has seen many of Ava first accomplishments in pictures or videos. This time he got to share the news! On 10/11/12 my girl took her first steps almost four weeks after her cast removal...there's no stopping her now.

Life is slowly but surely getting back to normal. In the last 24 hours Ava has practiced her walking skills over and over. I still watch in awe each time she takes a step. At times I feel sad to see her struggle just to take a few steps but then I see the determination on her face and I know she is so strong and brave. Ava is feeling so confident we even joined her Pre-K class Pumpkin picking today, I have to say it was nice to do something normal in our life. She had a blast seeing her friends and teachers and was so proud to show them how she is relearning to walk. Thank you once again to everyone who has been routing for Ava these last four months. It means so much to me and my family. Everyone has giving us so much strength and every kind word of encouragement touches my heart. We are almost there!!! All our love. XOXOXOX

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