Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In Her Own Time...

On Friday it will be three weeks since Ava had her cast removed. That morning she has an appointment with Dr. A for an x ray and to see how things are progressing. The change in Ava's movement over the last three weeks is incredible. Most of her pain has subsided and slowly but surely she is gaining confidence in her legs. Physical therapy is going well and has helped tremendously with rebuilding her leg and hip strength (although she still has a ways to go.) In true Ava form everything is happening in her own time... At PT Ava takes everything in Miss Jill shows her. She cooperates for the most part but often says "I'm tired" and wants to stop whatever exercise going on at the moment. Or other times she says "I can't do it. I'm scared." But when we get home, look out! Ava does everything Miss Jill showed her but on her terms. This kid is stubborn!! (Some say she gets that from me.) She doesn't want help and she really doesn't want anyone watching her. Ava has always been fiercely independent and this girl got her independence back! She is determined to regain her ability to walk and she's on the right path.

Crab walk.

This whole process has taken a toll on me that I had not expected. I knew it would not be easy but I didn't expect it to invade every inch of who I am. I am looking forward to life going back to normal (well a normal as normal gets.) I have become consumed  with her recovery. I forget things, I become anxious easily and I find it hard to find time to do things for myself (like exercise & I guess I'm not losing that 15 lbs for my upcoming 20 year HS reunion. Oh well!) At the same time I would not change it for the world. Watching the determination and strength Ava has helps me get through each and every moment. She's navigating territory that in the past was easy for her and watching her struggle can make me so sad. Then Ava gets a look on her face of such pride for her accomplishment that I quickly remember how strong my daughter is. In three weeks Ava has relearned to sit on her own, crab walk, bend her knees, crawl, pencil roll and pull her self up on things. She's slowly taking steps (with help), peddling a tricycle and kicking a ball. Her achievements are outstanding! Ava is on her way to being completely healed and will be up and running in no time. I can not say enough how proud I am of her! My daughter is AMAZING!!

Love this girl!

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