Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I haven't posted much lately about Ava's progress but like everyone else in NJ we have been consumed with Hurricane Sandy. We are so thankful we were only without power for 4 days (wish I could do more for my friends who are STILL without) and even more thankful Ava was not in a cast when Sandy roared through! I'm positive our experience would have been very different! That being said, we are still taking each day one at a time. It has been 3 1/2 weeks since she took her first steps and her progress since has been amazing. I am so proud of her strength and her determination.

On October 28 Ava had her 5th birthday party, this was a turning point in her healing. She finally ditched her walker and did her best to keep up with her friends. To see my girl so happy and act like her old self was an awesome feeling. It still can bring tears to my eyes thinking about how happy she was that day (and has been since) while dancing with her friends. It was so nice to have some normal activity in our life. Being around her peers definitely has encouraged Ava to try harder and she has become more determined then ever to walk. Since that day she is walking around more and doing a lot less crawling. Monday when we went to Physical therapy, Miss Jill was very impressed with Ava's movement even though we missed a week (thanks Sandy.) The movement is there but now we need to work on strengthening her stomach and hip muscles to make the movements more fluid.

It has been almost 8 weeks since Ava's cast was removed. The difference from day one til now is amazing, although I'm not sure I expected it to take this long. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly proud of the strides Ava has made but I just want my daughter to be herself again. I want her to walk without having to concentrate so hard, I want to hear the pounding of her little feet running around the house, I want her to be able to keep up with her friends and I look forward to the day my heart is not in my throat when she's around other kids because I'm so scared someone will knock her over. On the flip side my heart soars for all things she has relearned since surgery...kneeling, crawling. standing without help, getting up without help, starting to dance, peddling a bike and walking. The look of pride on her face after accomplishing a new task is priceless and the excitement she shows when showing off her new movement melts my heart. Tonight was another proud Mommy moment... for the first time Ava walked up a whole flight of stairs (holding the railing and my hand) alternating her feet on each step! This is huge!! She hasn't walked up stairs in almost 5 months!!!!

Ava and her friends.

I know soon enough Ava will be her old self (hopefully not as cranky since she seems to be pain free.) I can not believe it's been almost 8 months since her dislocation was discovered! I am thankful everyday for the doctor who finally discovered it and for the doctor who performed two amazing surgeries. I look forward (and as always) slightly nervous for November 16...Ava first x-ray standing up. Please, please let those hips be in place!! I pray for another perfect x-ray and that her doctor is happy with her progression. Please do the same! So incredibly proud of my amazingly strong girl!! XOXO

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