Thursday, August 8, 2013

Will it end????

It's been awhile since I've had an update to share. Ava has bounced back unbelievably and has loved having fun with no restrictions. The last few months have been uneventful and we have been enjoying a low key summer. She only has one more physical therapy session left and will be entering kindergarten in the fall. (She is very excited and more then ready!) When Ava walks or runs there is no detection that she had any surgery and people are always commenting how awesome she looks. In fact on August 24 our family will take part in a 5k and family fun walk in Easton, MA to raise money for hip dysplasia. It has taken me weeks to not be paranoid when Ava runs, jumps, climbs or does any other crazy activity she is taking part in. Slowly but surely we have let be her be 5. The strength she has regained is amazing.  So proud of this girl!!

Yesterday (August 7) we took Ava for a follow up with her GI doctor & Endocrinologist. We are very happy that she has grown in height and if the pattern continues she will grow an average of 3 inches per year. Yeah!! Unfortunately she lost a 1/2 lb since her last visit. Dr. T put her back on the appetite stimulant and she will return in October for another check up. We also will take her for a blood test to check her growth hormone level. (I am not looking forward to that!) It's recommended to get more fat and calories in Ava's diet but I'm feeling frustrated. (It's definitely easier said then done.) How do you get a child to eat more? There's no forcing her and being a picky eater makes it more difficult. I guess all we can do is do the best we can.

I have been enjoying having our active girl back and looking forward to her follow up x-ray on her hips. I have no doubt that her hips will be perfect and we'll be free for another 4 months. Then today happened... Ava and Jack were playing at a friends house and Ava fell off a large toy dinosaur and hit her elbow. She was crying hysterically and could not be consoled. Once we got home we gave her Advil and iced her elbow as much as she would allow. After an hour Ava was still crying off and on, refusing to move her arm and the elbow seemed to be swelling more. If one of us touched she was letting out a piercing scream, I know that scream all to well...Pain!! David and I took her to her doctor who suspected she fractured her elbow based on the bluish black mark and amount of swelling, off to the ER for an x-ray.

On the way to the hospital and even after being admitted Ava was crying and saying the same things over and over. "I don't want an IV!" "They're not going to put something on my nose?" "Is it going to hurt?" "I'm not getting a shot?" "I'm not having surgery, right?" But the most crushing one of all was "I don't want another cast!" After speaking to a doctor Ava was taken to get an x-ray but not without a fight. I couldn't hold back my tears while my daughter fought not to be touched. After the doctor examined the x-ray he confirmed she had fractured her elbow. He temporarily wrapped it and tomorrow we will go see Dr. A for another cast. After Ava's arm was wrapped she seemed to feel better and calmed down, she even decide she will get a blue cast because it's Daddy's favorite color. Words can't describe the feelings I've had today. I hurt so much for my girl. Please keep Ava in your prayers for a quick recovery.

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