Friday, September 6, 2013

Elbow Cast OFF!!

Today Ava had her cast removed. After her last cast removal she was in a lot of pain. That was her only experience so of course it made her extremely nervous this time. After arriving at the doctors office the nurse came in to cut the cast off, Ava immediately started to cry. We kept reassuring her it would be fine but she was anxious. As the nurse began Ava realized we were right, it didn't hurt at all. She said "It tickles!" After the cast was completely off she was a little scared to move her arm but thankfully she was not in pain. Next was x-ray time, three were taken. Dr. A came in for her exam. To our (and I think his) surprise Ava had three fractures not two as he originally thought. She is 95% healed but thankfully another cast was not needed. He wants her to start using her arm but to be very careful. For the next 3 weeks she is not allowed to participate in gym, play soccer or go on playgrounds. After the 3 weeks Ava will have another x-ray to make sure it is 100% healed, if so she can return to all activities.

I really wish for the next 3 weeks Ava could live in a bubble. Do you know how hard it is to keep a 5 year old from being too active?!? I know I am going to be a nervous wreck until we get the doctor's clearance. This could possibly be worse then after her hip surgery! At least then I was with her 24/7, now she will be out of my sight for 7 1/2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Fingers crossed she follows to Dr. A's instructions until our next visit. I look forward to 3 weeks from now when she is playing soccer on her first soccer team and once again free to be 5! Always an adventure with this girl!

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