Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Physical Therapy

The change in Ava in the last 12 days is absolutely amazing. I never anticipated how hard it would be after her cast removal. Don't get me wrong, I knew she wouldn't get up and walk and I knew she would be stiff but I never expected the length of time it would last or how much strength she would need to rebuild. Not only does she have to recondition but she is also relearning what was normal to her. For three years Ava walked one way but now has to completely walk another. I can't even imagine how this must feel for her, now I completely understand why they prefer to perform this surgery at two years old opposed to a four year old. A two year doesn't anticipate or fully understand what is going on. The fear is not fully there yet and they are so curious they just move. My poor Ava anticipates pain and is scared when trying new exercises. She is fully aware of what is happening and bucks the system the whole way. She knows when she tries to stand or moves her legs it's going to hurt, not just a little but a lot.

Today was our fourth physical therapy session and what a difference! Last week when Ava met Miss Jill she barely wanted to do a thing and cried off and on. This week she's a changed girl. After our little discussion about cooperating or being put back in the hospital, Ava opted for trying harder (although she does test her limits.) At Monday's session she really fought baring any weight on her legs but today (with a little fight) she did it. (Yeah Ava!!) Miss Jill found her weak spot...swings!! In one of the PT rooms there is a giant swing and after cooperating Ava got to take a ride, the look of joy on Ava's face made the previous crying so worth it. My heart breaks every time Ava cries out "It hurts!" or "I'm scared!" but it soars when I see the look of pride she wears when she does something she thinks she can't do. Slowly but surely she is getting there. The strength Ava has with in her has truly shown no boundaries.

Crab walk.

Leg raises.


Pushing herself on big swing.
Everything takes time and I have to remind myself Ava has been through two major surgeries. Our days aren't always easy and there are moments when I feel like there is no end. Having to push Ava can be hard especially since she is usually talking back or resisting every step of the way. It's difficult for a four year old to understand that she needs to work through the pain to eventually be pain free. It's a whole new learning experience and all we can do is give her the tools to help her recover. As always, Ava is doing things in her time. (Gosh this girl is stubborn!) I'm so proud of my brave butterfly! Each day she is getting stronger and learning more of what her legs can do. All we can do is have lots of patience and help guide her as she relearns. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day!

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