Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Final Surgery

Blowing bubbles with Daddy.
On Tuesday Ava went back to the OR for her final surgery... plate and pin removal. I could not wait for this day, it means we are a step away from Ava's hips being fully healed. Ava was a little weepy as we got into the car, she even brought Jack's favorite bear to hug on the way. Upon arriving at the hospital she was in good spirit but once we were taken back to our prep room she began to cry and kept saying "I'm scared!" Dave and I could calm her down then a few minutes later she would start up again. She got weighed and measured and to our surprise she weighed 30 lbs!!! (This is huge, that means she gained 3 lbs since March!) We were all elated. We got Ava changed and tried to distract her any way we could... bubbles, coloring, playing games on my phone and reading a book. Dr. A came in and Ava seemed to calm some, then the Anaesthesiologist came in she kept telling him she didn't want an IV. That's the funny thing about Ava, she wasn't scared of the surgery but of the IV. This is the one thing about any procedure she hates. Then my least favorite thing began, taking Ava back to the OR. It doesn't matter home many times I do this it does not get easier. There is nothing worse then holding your child as they cry and scream while they put her out. As usual I held it together until she was out then I cried my eyes out.

This time waiting was not nearly as stressful as the first two surgeries, I knew this time would pass quickly. At about an hour I got antsy and began my pacing. After exactly an hour and a half Dr. A came out and said all went well and Ava could go home today. (Ava will be thrilled with this new.) Ava woke up slowly but was not happy to see the IV. We got her calm and coaxed an ice pop in her. As she came around the nurse came to take the IV out (this is even worse then having the IV in) so we could get her ready for home, we convinced her that it was just tape she had to take off and the nurse removed it. Getting Ava dressed was an event. We needed to get her underwear and pants over both her bandages, not an easy task since her legs are extremely sore. It took a lot of effort between David and I but we managed it and off we went. Ava slept most of the ride home. Moving her is very difficult because her incisions are on the side of each of her thighs. David managed to get Ava out of the car and safely onto the couch where she spent the rest of the day. Her legs are very sore and she refusing to stand or walk. We had pretty much force her to use the bathroom by carrying her there and holding her the whole time. Thankfully she slept through the night and got a good nights sleep.

Home Sweet Home
Today Ava seemed to feel better but is still refusing to move much. She keeps saying her legs hurt but I also think she's scared if she stands there will be pain. It's hard to explain to a 5 year old the more she moves the better she will feel. Both of Ava's bandages are covered with a clear tape to keep them sterile possibly causing her skin to feel like it's pulling. Last night both David and I became concerned with her right leg. At the hospital David noticed some blood on the bandage but by night it was covered. We put a call in to the covering doctor, he told us oozing is normal for the first 48 hours and to keep an eye on it. This morning it seemed like there was more fresh blood. After much contemplation I put a call into Dr. A with my concern. He said to keep an eye on it until tomorrow, he wants to keep the sterile bandage on for another day. In the mean time we could cover it with another bandage (so we can't see the blood) and tomorrow morning we can change the bandage. Ha! That's funny! Ava won't let us look at the bandage never less cover it! Unfortunately Dr. A is in the office furthest from us tomorrow. I can't imagine Ava will willingly let us change her bandage and it may be worth the long ride. I can guarantee she will not go down without a fight and I'm pretty sure that's not a fight I'm willing to have.

Hopefully tomorrow Ava will wake in less pain and we can get her moving more. We have our follow up visit with Dr. A a week from Friday. He will remove the bandages (at least one) and take an x-ray. I can not wait! Ava should be moving better by then and x-ray will be reassurance that she has two healthy hips! What a crazy 10 months this has been but there really light at the end of the tunnel now. We have been so blessed with everything going as planned. Slowly my girl has regained her strength and I know she will fight through this next week. As always thank you for all the support and love! Our awesome family and friends have definitely made this road easier! My Ava is the strongest girl I know! xoxo

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