Monday, April 1, 2013

More Dental Work!

So sad.
Last Monday Ava returned to the dentist for her 'baby root canal'. I have to say she did amazingly well. I had no idea what to expect since we have had some really bad experiences. She yelled some, she cried some but she laid still... the most important part. Even with laughing gas and Novocaine Ava was her sassy self (no clamp will keep my girl from talking) but thankfully Dr. Steve kept his patience and his calm demeanor. (It took me everything I have to not burst into tears.) After an excruciating 45 minutes we were done and on our way. Ava was exhausted and fell asleep on her way home. Once home she rested (I ordered Merida's bow & arrow I had promised her) and Daddy brought her home a huge milkshake. After a few hours Novocaine wore off and she was back to herself, only now she has one more silver tooth. Once again Ava showed us how strong and brave she is, I hope she keeps it up because at the the end of April she has to get two more cavities filled. It never ends!

My loves.
Ava had her last physical therapy session last Wednesday for a few weeks. Tomorrow she will return to the OR for her final surgery, plates and pins removal. A half hour each leg for the removal, one hour...piece of cake compared to her past surgeries. If all goes well we will be going home the same day. (Lets hope so, Ava is insistent we will not stay at the hospital.) We started prepping Ava about a month ago, at first she would tear up and say she didn't want to but after a month of talk she is completely fine with it. In fact she want to ask Dr. A if she can keep the plates & pins for show and tell in Kindergarten. Talk about a turn around. I'm sure Ava will do awesome and be her brave self. A few days of rest to let her incisions heal and she'll be running and dancing in no time. After a few weeks off she will return to physical therapy to help her gain more of her flexibility and strength back.

My "Brave" girl!
It's hard to believe it's been almost 10 months since her first surgery. I think after to tomorrow I'll finally feel like we are on the other side. Please keep my girl in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Princess P is almost there! xoxo

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