Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It has been over 24 hours since Ava had her Petrie cast put has been an interesting 24 hours. I thought nearing the end of these casts would be easier, boy was I mistaken. For one, Ava does not like to be touched or moved. She has soreness in her now exposed muscles but she is also scared. Anything new she screams like I've never heard her scream before. The neighbors probably think we're beating her, it's that bad!! Jack was playing across the street at his friends house and he said you could hear her loud and clear. All you have to do is mention moving her and the screaming begins.. (Oh this needs to stop.) Yesterday afternoon went pretty smoothly until it was time to exercise Ava's legs. Oh boy, I was just as frightened as she was. What if I hurt her or pull a hip out??  We were both scared. I have to say it went well, about half way through the scissor like movements Ava realized it just felt weird but didn't hurt. Yeah another hurdle crossed! The real drama began right before bed, Ava decided holding in her pee was a way better idea then allowing one of us to carry her to the potty. She couldn't hold it anymore and let loose all over the couch! Augh!! Really Ava? That was a much better idea?? Now her Petrie cast got soaked for the second time that day. This kid is going to stink by the end.

Sitting up... but unsure.
Okay I completely understand why she's scared to move but the complete panic that overcomes Ava does not help. It's very awkward to lift her, we're still figuring it out. There is just no good way to do it! When I lift her up I feel like her casts are weighing her legs down. Trying to hold her upper body and lower body at the same time is very difficult. (I can't imagine that this is going to get easier.) Also Ava is itching and scratching herself like crazy. Where ever she sits or lays she leaves behind a pile of dry skin. Ewe!! This to shall pass... hopefully quickly. Thankfully Ava had a great night sleep. Small blessings. I woke to the sound of her and Jack talking happily. I looked at the clock and it was 7:15am, Yes!!!! First thing Ava said when I peeked in the room was "Mommy! I don't hurt as much!" Oh Ava, music to my ears. After screaming all the way down the stairs Ava calmed and didn't freak quite as much when we did her leg exercises. Maybe I'm finally getting through to her that it's only going to get better. It's hard to explain to a four year old that although it may hurt some, the more you move the muscles the quicker it will stop hurting. That's a big concept to absorb. My poor Ava! Going to the bathroom is still an issue. Once the pain goes away it will be easier then in the Spica cast. She can sit at a 90 degree angle now and will be able to balance herself. Unfortunately Ava is scared! Not just scared but a cat about to be thrown into water scared. This morning she actually was holding me so tight that she grabbed my hair and I thought a fistful was going to come out. My heartbreaks for her. I don't know what to do about this but she can't keep peeing everywhere. It can only get easier, right???

So proud!!
I'm trying very hard to focus on the positive. Ava slept well last night (hopefully this will continue), she's eating well (for her) and she's in a much better mood today. The best thing of all, Ava pulled herself up into a sitting position! (Maybe she is hearing us through all the screams.) Now if we can get her over the fear of the potty and riding in the car we'll be good to go. As I sit here and type Ava is sitting herself up and laying back down as she yells "I'm doing sit ups!" Amazing a difference a day can make! Everyday she will get stronger and stronger and our little butterfly will be back in full strength. We have one remarkable little girl! I can not tell people enough how much I admire her courage and strength. We're almost there Ava girl! We're almost there!!

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