Saturday, June 16, 2012


Blowing bubbles with Daddy.
Friday felt like a day that never would end. About 9am they finally took Ava off the oxygen and her blood transfusion was done. Her oxygen levels were up but now came the waiting game of the blood test to see if her hemoglobin levels were up as well. All Ava wanted to do was go home. She had had enough and so had I. We were both tired and getting cranky and ready to be at home. Both David and I did everything possible to keep her entertained. Even a nursing student decided to paint her toes and fingernails for her, which Ava was excited about. They drew blood at 1pm to test the hemoglobin, Ava was not happy. Finally after hours of pacing we got the news we were hoping for, Ava's hemoglobin's had rose to normal levels. Yeah!!! We were going home. It was 4:30 in the afternoon and Ava had become tired, cranky and whining over everything. I signed her release papers and we were on our own. We found this odd that no one walked us out. No one checked are car seat. No one helped us at all. Once we got to the car Ava freaked out that it was not her normal car seat. Really kid, your going home! Stop crying! After lots of maneuvering, we got Ava settled and we were on our way. Home sweet home! Ava's mood changed instantly! She was laughing, smiling and talking up a storm. She was so excited to see her big brother and to be in her usual surroundings. I even got her to eat a little dinner. Around 8:30pm we got both kids ready for bed. Ava could not wait to sleep in her own bed. It was so sweet to watch Jack dote on his sister, he even covered her up when she asked. It felt so good to be home and be able to relax some. At about midnight David and I were woke up by Ava screaming for me. She was complaining her legs hurt. After alittle coaxing and calming her down some, we convinced her to take some Advil and quickly got her back to sleep. Thankfully she slept until 6:30 the next morning and our first day home with the spica cast began.

Home Sweet Home!!
First walk!
David went back to work today so I was on my own for the day. Surprisingly the day started off well. Ava was for the most part agreeable. Everything we do is on a learning curve. When you have no other choice you make things work. Both Ava and I are adapting and figuring it out one step at a time. In true Ava style, she has to put up a fight about anything that is unknown. Once she realizing it doesn't hurt or she can accomplish something, she goes back to her happy self. She was eating, doing crafts, coloring, cutting and watching movies. Jack and I were even able to take her out for a walk in a jogging stroller. By late afternoon she had a low grade fever and was super cranky. She was over doing it. After some Advil and rest her behavior changed a little. We went out to blow bubbles but after that it was over. Ava became cranky, demanding and threw awful fits. Augh!!! Would this day ever end!  Deep breath...I'm sure we're going to have many days like this ahead of us. I do have to say I am proud of Ava, she is adapting very well for the most part but she definitely is getting frustrated in times where she can't express herself easily. We all have to take it one step at a time and take a lot of deep breathes. We have no other choice. Ava is healing and before we know it all this will be behind us. It's going to take a lot of patience. Every night I have to remember tomorrows a new day!

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