Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Left Hip

Being silly....
When I went to bed last night there was a heaviness in my heart. My mind was going a mile a minute worrying about Ava's first surgery. As we drove to the hospital this morning there was a sadness inside me like I've never felt before. I did not want Ava to go through this but unfortunately we do not have a choice. Ava was in good spirits once we got to the hospital and was very cooperative as they did the normal checks. We met the anesthesiologist and filled out the required paperwork. Ava was very talkative and asking lots of questions. She asked Dr. A "what color pink will my cast be?" and "When I get my second cast can I have purple?" Okay she was jumping ahead a little but at least she know what she wants. I was able to hold it together while we waited and while I walked with her to the OR. As I laid her on the table I completely lost it. This always the worst part, your child crying and grabbing for you and you have to let go. I left the OR in sobs and it felt like forever until I could get myself together.

Pink cast!
Waiting is the worst! We watched so many other parents come into the waiting room and leave the waiting room while we were there. Honestly the first 4 hours went unexpectedly fast but the last 50 minutes was torture.  I could not stop pacing and the sound of my flip flops was driving David nuts. All I kept thinking is I have to do this again in 6 weeks!! Finally after what felt like forever the doctor came out and said Ava did great and all went as planned. So relieved! Now the real hard part begins...getting through the pain and healing. As Ava slowly woke up she was her usual sassy self. She literally would wake up, say one sentence and conk back out. Here are some of the things she said...The blanket was covering her cast, she looked down and said "My cast isn't pink!!" "My friends at school are going to sign it." "I don't want anything!!" "Take this off me." "I can't move my feet good."  "Mommy I want you to pick me up!" "OW Ow OW Ow OW!!" "I miss Jack!" For the most part all Ava has done since being moved to her room is sleep. We were so happy Jack decided he wanted to see Ava. He was having a lot of anxiety about everything and I think the visit did them both good. Hopefully tomorrow she will really start to come around.

Big Brother Jack helping her feel better!
This has been one of the hardest and most trying days of our life. I hate seeing Ava in pain and wish I could make it go away. I pray the next couple weeks pass quickly and my Princess P will be back to dancing in no time. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and well wishes. We have so much gratitude and it helped us through this tough day. Please continue to pray for Ava's quick recovery and for the  strength we need to get through this. xoxoxo

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