Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One week down! How many more?!?!

 Well we survived our first week in a Spica cast. It's not always easy and I've gone  through a million emotions, sometimes in the same minute. We have quickly adapted to carrying Ava in her cast and how to move her around to make her comfortable. She's not always agreeable but she wasn't always agreeable before the cast, so not much has changed. We have an infant again except this one talks and makes lots of demands. She has quickly earned the name "Miss Demandy Pants" from me. I can handle getting the things she would like but the whining and crying to get what she wants has to go. We've always reinforced manners and to ask for things properly with both our kids, having a cast on is no excuse for rudeness. I don't want to have a spoiled bratty four year old once the cast is off. For the most part she is happy during the day but at night the cranky girl sets in. I feel so bad for her when she cries her legs hurt and there's nothing to do for her. The first couple nights home she was waking up hourly and would only let me comfort her. I was exhausted but had no choice but to keep going. Finally, last night she slept almost 7 hours. I was not fond of the 6:20am wake up call but at least I actually slept a few hours straight.

Craft time!
I've always enjoyed doing crafts, baking, planting and playing games with both my kids but I've also been blessed with two kids that also enjoy playing independently. Both Jack and Ava like there alone time just like me. My days have become exhausting! I can barely leave Ava for a minute. Trying to keep a very active kid busy is a daunting task! There are no more minutes to myself, I can barely pee before she's beckoning me again. She changes the activity she would like to do sometimes within minutes and which usually entails a position change. It's very hard not to get aggravated with her but I'm trying to remember how frustrated she must be. The last few days have been perfect weather to get Ava out. We have been going for walks to get some fresh air and Ava really enjoys riding in her jogging stroller. Unfortunately it looks like we're headed for steamy temperature so we'll be spending all our time in the air condition to keep her comfortable. Luckily Ava is able to use the toilet to go potty opposed to a bed pan. My hope this will help with a less stinky cast at the end of these 5 weeks. Jack and I have this down to a science... Ava yells "I need to go potty!!" I pick her up and pull her diaper off while Jack opens the bathroom door, turns on the light and makes sure the toilet seat is down. Then I run Ava into the bathroom and hold her on the toilet. It's actually quite comical.

I guess you can say things are going better then expected. I'm sure we can expect rough days here and there but all we can do is take it one day at a time. Last night I made a calendar to countdown to Ava's next surgery and to when her cast will finally be off. All we can do now is help Ava pass the time as quickly as possible until she has healthy hips. I am so proud of Ava and how well she is handling being in the cast. When I get frustrated I need to take a deep breath and remember that this is more frustrating for her then me. Ava is one brave four year old!

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