Monday, April 16, 2012

The easy way or the hard way....

I believe in giving my kids choices. I think teaching them early to make a decision is very important. Life is full of choices and one day they will have to make their own. That being said, somethings are none negotiable like eating, taking medicine and going to the doctors. A common saying in our house is "Are we going to do this the easy way or are we going to do this the hard way?" Ave hears this saying a lot! Choice 1 is cooperate and everyone is happy. Choice 2 is are going to do what we have asked of you but you will be kicking and screaming while doing it. You are not going to win.On occasion Ava chooses choice 2, I think to test us. This choice never ends well. And there tends to be a lot of yelling (me or David) and crying (Ava) involved. For some reason Ava will test David more then me on this.

Last night I began my usual preparation of the doctor the next day.  She understands this is for a weight checkup and to check her belly. She was very agreeable. Well a lot can change from 8pm to 8am. The last week has been back to her Ava's "Jekyll & Hyde" routine. She has had a cold and we never know if the morning will be a good one or a sad one. Needless to say Ava decided this morning she was not going to the doctors. This is non negotiable. I finally get her to eat 3/4 of her breakfast. Managed to get her dressed (after a fight about what she will wear, apparently she was unhappy with all her clothes choices  this morning.) and brush her teeth.Finally we were peacefully on our way, with the help of a bribe of a yogurt drink and fruit snacks. No I am not above a good bribe to make life easier.

Once we're at the doctors all is fine. First thing is her height and weight.  As she stands on the scale I quickly realize it is not what I am hoping for. Dr. T comes in and begins her exam. Then she told us what I already knew, Ava did not gain an ounce in the last 5 weeks. I can't believe it! She still has some bad days with eating but the good days are far more. Ava now has to take her appetite stimulant twice a day. Hopefully this will work. If she does not gain any weight in the next few weeks she will have to undergo an endoscopy procedure to see if there was anything going on with her stomach and intestines. At this point I explained about Ava's up coming surgery. The doctor stressed how important it is to get a few pounds on Ava before surgery. The test will have to wait. In 7 weeks we will return for a check up with her Endocrinologist, Nutritionist and GI doctor. Hopefully we'll have better news.

I'm very frustrated. We are trying so hard to feed Ava higher calorie foods but you can't force a kid to eat. I don't want to my live my life in a constant battle about eating. Her calorie intake has increased drastically. Now Ava has to have two procedures she will need to be sedated for, MRI on her pituitary gland & a possible endoscopy. Both will have to be put on hold until after the hip surgery. I hate knowing that we have to go at least 6 months not being able to get to the bottom of her growth problem. I hate the waiting game.

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