Saturday, April 14, 2012

Teeth...Love the Toothless Smile

In the winter of 2010 Ava fell face first off our foyer steps onto tile. She smacked her face and her front teeth on the tile. At first nothing appeared to be wrong but over the next few weeks her two front teeth began to turn colors. We took her to the dentist and as we suspected she damaged them. Thankfully they were just baby teeth and for now we can just keep a watch on them.... Somewhere around 2 1/2 David was playing around with Ava. He picked her up and when Ava tilted her head back laughing he noticed that many of her molars had dark patches on them. What?!? When did this happen?!? We brush her teeth regularly. We do all the same things for Ava as we do for Jack. We consulted with the doctor (at this point we're there every 3 months for weight checks, Ava is 2 1/2 about 18 lbs). He recommended to go see a pediatric dentist.

On our first dental visit they give an exam to survey the damage. Needless to say Ava is not happy about this but cooperates for the most part. First question is about the darkening front teeth, we explain the falling down story. As she is checking each tooth she makes a huge scratch in one of the front teeth, come too find out that one is decaying. Now there's a big dent in it, Great! As they do the exam continues more questions are asked. "she has all indications of bottle rot teeth.?" She was off the bottle at 11 months. " Oh." She does use a pacifier but that wouldn't do this kind of damage. Bottom line is they have no idea why our baby girl's teeth  are decaying. She will need many cavities filled and 2 baby root canals. This is a filling in which they will cap the tooth after. I could not believe this was happening. All this dental work will be done in phases. This particular dentist does not believe in sedation. For some unknown reason we decide to give it a try. At this point it is June, she 18lbs and the thought of her being put out scares me so why not try it. Our next visit she will have tooth filled. They tell me how they will "papoose" her, numb the area and do the filling. Ok, we'll try it. Ava screamed the whole time & cried the whole time. It was over very quickly. As soon as Ava was released she calmed down and so began our tradition of "I feel like the worse Mommy in the world so I'll buy you whatever you want." We immediately went to target and Ava's pony collection began. 

Next visit came. We explained to Ava that we had to go back to the dentist to have another tooth fixed. "Will my mouth feel funny again?" Yes. "Can we go to Target after?" Yes. "Okay." This girl loves her ponies. So we do the same thing again. They "papoose" her (aka strap my baby to a board as I watch) and once again she screams but louder. Did I mention that she has quite a set of lungs? By the end of this visit I'm completely hysterical. Ava calmed once again when they released her. That was the moment I realized what a fighter my Princess P is.When we leave I immediately call David, I can't do this again. It's torture for us both. We need a dentist who will knock her out.

We find a dentist who will put her under. It is is August 2010, Ava is now 19lbs. We wanted to get her to 20 lbs but we need to do this. The procedure is done in Hackensack Hospital. They will put her under, x ray and assess the situation, then do the work. As any parent knows putting you child under anesthesia is a horrible moment in time. The past June I had already watched Jack be put under to remove his tonsils. I cried then and I cried when it happened to Ava. Needless to say it was a long hour and 45 minutes for us. Everything went well they even saved her front teeth. A week before her 3rd birthday Ava tripped in the dining room and cracked her front tooth vertically. Back to the dentist... they needed to pull both front teeth out. Once again she was papoosed and out came her front teeth. But not before she bit the dentist and his assistant. Ava's a fighter!!

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