Saturday, April 14, 2012

Nothings wrong.....

We had an uneventful summer. We did the normal summer things...beach, pool and enjoyed no real schedule besides normal work hours. Ava still was not a great eater and still continued with good days and bad days. Some days happy, others you could barely talk to her. When she was having a sad day she complains that her knees hurt, she's not hungry and every little thing can make her cry. At times she prefers comfort from Jack rather then me or David. Other days when I'm leaving for work she'll sob saying "I'll miss  you too much. Don't go." Ava has always been an independent child, these words always break my heart. School starts in the fall and we get back in our routine. Although Ava has never been a great sleeper but oddly enough does enjoy sleeping in on occasion. I always dread the days she does not get up before Jack gets on the bus. First thing she asks is. "Where's Jack?" He left for school. Between hysterical sobs, she'll reply "but I didn't hug him I miss him so much." Again makes me so sad.

 In October she turned 4 but is the size of a 2 year old. At her yearly check up she only weighs about 24 lbs. She is not on the chart or no where near the chart for that matter. The doctor, as always, expresses concern...Yes we've tried ensure. Yes we try higher calorie foods. Sometimes she eats great but sometimes she hardly eats.  She still complains her knees hurt...Yet he doesn't recommend further testing. Like every other visit I say how we're concerned about her size. Many of her friends her age are a foot taller. Many that are younger are passing her by. As he had said in the past "We'll keep a watch."

Since Ava started walking she has had a "waddle" to her walk. In the beginning we thought it was because she was so small. Her back was slightly arched and her belly slightly stuck out. She was just keeping her balance. As she got older it became a running joke that she walks like Nana, my Mom. After a while we began to think should we be concerned? My Mom is very healthy but is in her 70's, has bad feet and had a knee replacement a few years ago. This can't be good that they walk a like. David became very concerned so once again we head back to the doctors. We explain to the doctor that we are concerned with the way she walks, as well as her telling us she has leg pain over and over. He watched her walk. His response was "She's fine. Don't worry so much. She'll out grow it by 6 or 7 years old."

Here we are again. Are we over reacting? Is everything fine? He's the doctor not us. But in the back of my mind I always think there has to be something to the teeth decay. There has to be something to her leg pain. These things are not normal for a otherwise healthy 4 year old. Our little girl can barely make it 10 minutes walking before she says "My legs hurt." " I can't walk." "Pick me up." "I want my stroller." This is not normal but yet again we're being told it is.

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