Sunday, April 15, 2012


I left the doctors office that day armed with papers for lab work and a script for x rays. We are getting somewhere and soon we will have an answer. Once we were home one of the first things I did (after filling David in) was google Celiac's Disease. The more I read the more I was convinced this is what Ava had. Symptoms...failure to thrive, joint pain, throwing fits for unknown reason, teeth decay, complaints of fullness...She was a classic case. This was describing my child. There was know doubt in our minds what the results would be. A diet change. Not easy but doable. No medication involved. It was going to be tough but we could help our baby. I was obsessed, the Internet is not always a good thing. I was driving myself and my family crazy...

We had to wait a few days to take Ava for the blood work. We needed a day where both David and I could go...this was a two man job. Ava had blood work before, she knew what to expect. This one was going to be tough. We explained that we need these tests to help her grow but she wanted no part. Ava's response "I'm not going!" Sorry sweets, you don't have a choice. After the nurse reviewed the paperwork we were told there was way to much blood needed. We could do half now and come back for the other half in three days. Okay do the Celiac test first, that's what we're sure she has. It took both of us to hold Ava still. She screamed, cried (as did I) and kicked for her life but 4 vial's later they had what they needed. In true Ava style, the tears stopped instantly when it was done. She was annoyed at the nurse so she turned down the stickers but then stopped in her tracks and said "I'll take them for my brother." She loves her big brother. We then went to Target bought her an icee and a pony of choice. All was better with Ava. We have to do this again?!?! augh!

The next round of blood work pretty much went the same way except this time Jack was with us. Jack can not take the sight of blood so now we had to keep him from freaking out too. Ava put up her usual fight although this time she managed to kick David in the privates and bring him to his knees. Ava's a fighter. Off to Target we went... Now all we needed was a urine and stool sample to complete the lab test. Trying to get a 4 year to pee and poop in a small plastic cup is a feet in itself but several days later we we're done. X rays were next....

We explained to Ava she had to get x rays. It won't hurt, they are going to get pictures of your bones. Her response " Like they did of my teeth?" Yes. "Okay" So off we went for x rays. She was not scared at all. The issues came when we had to take her ear rings out. Ava hates changing her ear rings. She threw such fit, I'm sure the tech was thinking "great, this should be fun she's a brat." 10 minutes later and lots of coaxing she was ready to go. The tech expressed how a lot of  x rays were needed. ( Yes. We know. Just do it.) With blankey draped over her face, Ava was a pro. The x rays were over in no time. "She sits better then most adults." we were told. So proud of Ava that day (besides the ear ring moment.) We headed straight to Toys R Us. She picked out a new shopping cart and the waiting began.....

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